Fashion Through Time: 40 Fabulous Facts That Define the Eras


26Tapeworm Diet

Tapeworm Diet

During the Victorian Era, there was a tapeworm diet trend. The style was to have pale skin, eyes that looked dilated, red cheeks and lips, and a tiny waist. In the age of corsets, they also ingested tapeworms to lose weight. This trend is still practiced today by some women who take a pill that has a tapeworm egg inside.

27. In 1698, Peter the Great introduced the “Beard Tax” after he visited Western Europe and liked their fashion sense. Anyone with a beard was forced to pay tax for it, and in turn, given a beard token. If you were stopped by the police without the token they would immediately shave your face on sight.

28. T-shirts have existed since the late 1800s, and were not considered fashionable stand-alone garments until the 1950's when Marlon Brando wore one in the film “A Streetcar Named Desire.”

29. In 1770, the British Parliament passed a law condemning lipstick, stating that “women found guilty of seducing men into matrimony by a cosmetic means could be tried for witchcraft.”

30. Roman busts sometimes had removable “hair” so that you could update it later on with the current fashionable hairstyle.

31Mexican Pointy Boots

Mexican Pointy Boots

Mexican pointy boots are a style of pointed fashion boots made with elongated toes that are popular footwear for men in parts of Mexico. The boots are commonly worn in an ironic and comedic way by males involved in the música Trival subculture.

32. Normcore as a fashion style emerged to help blend in with normal/casual attire. Wearers are people who do not wish to distinguish themselves from others by their clothing.

33. In the 1920s, fashion designer Coco Chanel accidentally got sunburnt while visiting the French Riviera and she returned home with a suntan. Because of Coco’s status and the longing for her lifestyle by other members of society, tanned skin became seen as fashionable, healthy, and luxurious.

34. A Baltimore hairdresser helped prove that ancient Roman Vestal Virgins’ hairstyles were not wigs, as was commonly believed, but was instead achieved through the use of needle and thread, which she showed by recreating the hairstyle on a live person for the first time in centuries.

35. During World War 2, nylon was being rationed leaving women with no stockings, and since going out bare-legged was a fashion faux pas, women had to get creative and began painting on their stockings. Some even used eyeliner to draw a trompe l’oeil seam on the back of their legs.

36Great Male Renunciation

Great Male Renunciation

“The Great Male Renunciation” was a late 18th-century phenomenon during which Western men stopped using brilliant or refined forms in their dress, which were left to women’s clothing.

37. Tuberculosis was so romanticized during the Victorian era that fashion trends emerged to highlight and emulate the symptoms of the disease. This fashion movement is referred to as “Consumptive Chic.”

38. Many women at the turn of the 20th century wore maternity corsets when they were pregnant to minimize the appearance of their bellies.

39. The miniskirt is named after the Mini Cooper and not the skirt's size. The designer, Mary Quant loved Mini Cooper cars and named the garment after them, saying that car and skirt were both “optimistic, exuberant, young, flirty,” and complimented each other.

40. American women didn’t start shaving their armpits until 1915. This sudden change was brought on due to an advertisement in Harper’s Bazaar fashion magazine. It was so effective that now 90% of US women shave their pits.