20 Fast Facts About Energy Power Plants You Never Knew


1Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Station

Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Station

In 2009, scientists in Iceland unexpectedly drilled into a magma chamber 2.1 km below ground, creating the world's first magma-enhanced geothermal energy (Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Station) source capable of powering 80,000 homes.

2Solar power plant

Solar power plant

In 1913, the first practical thermal solar 'power plant' was built in Egypt that generated power using polished steel to focus the sunlight. Unfortunately, World War 1 broke out and the power plant was abandoned due to the conflict in the area and oil became a much more attractive energy source.

3Fukushima nuclear disaster

Fukushima nuclear disaster

During the early hours of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, plant employees scavenged car batteries to power essential monitoring equipment in the plant.

4Hydroelectric power station

Hydroelectric power station

As of 2018, the 5 largest power stations in the world are all hydroelectric power station.

5Mojave solar plant

Mojave solar plant

A solar power plant in the Mojave Desert uses 5 square miles of mirrors to concentrate sunbeams on one central tower. It also incinerates about 6,000 birds a year.

6Coal power plant

Coal power plant

Fly ash emitted by a coal power plant carries 100 times more radiation into the surrounding environment than a nuclear power plant producing the same amount of energy.

7Bruce Nuclear Generating Station

Bruce Nuclear Generating Station

The largest Nuclear power plant (Bruce Nuclear Generating Station) in the world is in Ontario, Canada and their security force has won the U.S. National SWAT Championship 4 times.

8Fukushima Daini

Fukushima Daini

There was a second Fukushima nuclear power plant (Fukushima Daini), 10km to the south, that suffered the same crippling tsunami damage but was saved from meltdown by a capable leader and heroic staff.

9Hydroelectric plants

Hydroelectric plants

In Norway, 99% of electricity production is from hydroelectric plants. They plan to increase annual production by 15 terawatt-hours (12%) by 2020 and could double installed capacity if they build new cross-border links to ship the surplus electricity abroad.

10Rjukan plant

Rjukan plant

A commando unit of 12 men sabotaged a heavy water plant (Rjukan plant) in Norway in World War 2, crippling Nazi attempts at developing an atomic bomb.