42 Great Not-So-Known Random Facts That’ll Make Your Day | Random List #26



Tsundoku is a Japanese slang for buying books but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them.

27. In the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, there was a mysterious detached leg found in the rubble of the destroyed building. Since all 168 victims’ legs have been accounted for, the left leg has perplexed investigators and has yet to be traced back to an owner.

28. Blink 182 released "All the Small Things" because they knew they needed a "really catchy and basic" radio single.

29. The famous opening phrase "It was a dark and stormy night;..." was first used in the 1830 novel Paul Clifford by Edward Bulwer-Lytton.

30. Woodrow Wilson is the only president to have a Ph.D. He held a Ph.D. in Political science and History.



The programming language Python is named after the comedy series "Monty Python's Flying Circus."

32. Bees can also detect bombs. 50 bees only need 2-3 hours of training.

33. In a few Appalachian forests, there are fireflies that glow blue for up to a minute instead of flashing yellow.

34. Inside NASA's Juno probe, it has a plaque dedicated to Galileo with writing in his own hand, and 3 Lego mini figures (Galileo, the Roman god Jupiter, and his sister and wife, the goddess Juno) specially made by the Lego Company using aluminum.

35. Whoopi Goldberg's first name came from a whoopee cushion because she farted so much.

36Life expectancy

Life expectancy

Between 2010-2015, the life expectancy in Botswana, due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, dropped from 70.7 years to only 31.6 years.

37. The average large pizza from Dominos and Pizza Hut in Japan costs $35. Delivery pizza is considered a luxury.

38. If our sun went supernova it would be visually 9 times brighter to us than if an atomic bomb exploded against our eye.

39. In 1989, the Soviet Union traded with Pepsi Company 17 submarines, a cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer for Pepsi to be sold in the Soviet Union. This trade made Pepsi the 6th largest military power in the world at the time.

40. The number one cause of death of the North Atlantic Blue Whale is collision with a ship.

41300 Club

The 300 Club is the name given to people who have experienced an instantaneous 166 degree Celsius (300 °F) drop in temperature, in Antartica when the temperatures reach -73°C / -100°F.

42. Beaver's teeth are orange because they are fortified with iron which makes them strong and cavity-resistant. Their teeth also continuously grow and self-sharpen.