The Dog

Man#1 is mowing his lawn when 2 hearses come down his street going very very slowly. The hearses are followed by a man walking a dog. 

And behind the man and the dog is a line of men walking single-file. There must have been 5 or 6 dozen men following. 

Curious about the procession, Man#1 runs to catch up with Man#2 and his dog.
Man#1 asks Man#2 who’s in the first hearse.

Man#2 replies, “My wife. My dog bit her. And she died in the hospital a bit later.”
Man#1 says, “I’m so very sorry for your loss. Mind if I ask who’s in the second hearse?”

Man#2 says, “Not at all, it’s my mother in law. My dog also bit her and she died later in the hospital.”

Man#1 replies, “Can I borrow your dog?”

Man#2, “Get in line.”