In My Country It Would…

A foreigner enters a country and gets a taxi.

On his way to the hotel he points at a tall building and asks the driver,’How long did it take to build that building?’. The driver responds, ‘Two years.’. ‘TWO YEARS! In my country it would have taken only Two months’,The foreigner said.

After a while, the foreigner again asked,’How long did it take to build that building?’ pointing at a taller building. The driver respond,’Three years.’ .’ THREE YEARS! In my country it would have taken only One year’,The foreigner said.

Some more time passes, The foreigner again asked,’How long did it take to build that building?’ pointing at the tallest building so far. The driver feeling his country’s reputation on the line said,’One month.’. The foreigner, not to be out done, said’ ONE MONTH! In my country it would have taken only 15 days’

A few minutes later, they pass by the country’s tallest most famous building. The foreigner naturally asks,’How long did it take to build that building?’. The driver sighs and says,’How do I tell you this?’. The foreigner looks confused and asks,’Tell me what?’. The driver says,

‘On my way to the airport this morning, there was no building there.’