Get Ready to Be Weirded Out: 45 Bizarre Facts 2

11Homicidal sleepwalking

Homicidal sleepwalking

In one of the only confirmed cases of homicidal sleepwalking, a man drove himself to his in-laws, bludgeoned the woman and strangled the man and drove off while asleep. He turned himself over to the police and was eventually acquitted of murder.

12Jumping Frenchmen of Maine

Jumping Frenchmen of Maine

The Jumping Frenchmen of Maine were a group of lumberjacks in the 19th century who suffered a rare disorder which caused them to startle extremely easily, often described as an “uncontrollable leap.” Some affected individuals exhibited automatic or “forced” obedience after a startle response during which they automatically respond to simple commands such as jump, run or hit.

13David Hahn

David Hahn

A boy named David Hahn at the age of 17 attempted to build a nuclear reactor in his backyard, which at one point was emitting over 1000 times normal background radiation.



There is a rare human condition called Trimethylaminuria, also known as Fish Odor Syndrome, that causes a person's sweat, urine, and breath to smell like rotting fish. It is caused by a defect in the production of a particular enzyme.



Approximately 7000 years ago, humans used to drill holes in their heads to allow spirits to flow in and out of the body. This practice is called 'Trepanation.'

16Rapunzel Syndrome

Rapunzel Syndrome

There is a rare mental disease called the "Rapunzel Syndrome" named after long-haired Rapunzel from the Grimm's fairy tales. The disorder causes a patient to develop an irresistible urge to pull out their own hair, and sometimes eat it. 



Mannanafnanefnd is a committee in Iceland that determines whether a name is suitable for integration into the Icelandic language. New names are considered based on compatibility with Icelandic tradition and the likelihood that it might cause the bearer embarrassment.



In 1888, a scientist named Gerard Smets found a fossil fragment which he determined was a dinosaur, "Aachenosaurus". When it was proved that the fossil was in fact petrified wood, he withdrew from science completely from pure embarrassment.

19Mumbai "sweet" seawater incident

The 2006 Mumbai "sweet" seawater incident was a strange phenomenon during which residents of Mumbai claimed that the water at Mahim Creek had suddenly turned sweet. Within hours, residents of Gujarat claimed that seawater at Teethal beach had turned sweet as well. This caused mass hysteria among people who started coming in large numbers to drink the seawater.

20Longest name

Longest name

The man with the longest personal name ever used is Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff, Sr. That's only the abbreviation for it; in total his surname is made up of 26 other names and contains 666 letters.