46 Random Facts In Easy To Read Format | Random List #276 2

26Cupid Cabbie

Cupid Cabbie

A cabbie who has been nicknamed “Cupid Cabbie” has collected the names and phone numbers of over 2,000 New Yorkers and organized over 100 dates, over 30 of which have led to long-lasting romances.

27. People Walker is a for hire service in Los Angeles where you can hire people to walk with you, motivate you, walk you home, listen to your problems and keep you company all while walking about.

28. German citizens in Ohrdruf were forced to view the inside of the Ohrdruf labor camp (the first concentration camp liberated) and bury the dead. This practice was repeated at other camps.

29. Shortly after English comedian Benny Hill died in 1992, grave-robbers dug up his grave under the mistaken belief that he was buried with copious amounts of gold and jewelry. He was re-buried with a 1-foot thick slab of concrete on top to prevent future dusturbances.

30. Wild camels living around a nuclear test site in the Great Gobi Desert can drink saltwater with a higher salt content than seawater.



1 in 6 women have herpes, which is double the male rate. This is due to anatomical differences that make it easier for women to become infected.

32. If you shake keys near a flying moth with ears, it will dive to the ground to avoid encountering what it thinks is a bat. This is because shaking keys emits sonar similar to that produced by bats.

33. Neil Armstrong met his second wife (Carol Held Knight) at a group breakfast where they were seated together. Two weeks later, he called her to ask what she was doing and she said cutting down a cherry tree. Half an hour later, he was at her house to help. They stayed married until his death.

34. Despite being a symbol of counterculture, Andy Warhol was a devout Byzantine Catholic who went to church almost daily. His brother said he was "really religious, but he didn't want people to know", and Andy Warhol even enthusiastically financed his nephew's studies for the priesthood.

35. Henry II, the king who uttered the famous phrase "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" got beaten up by 80 monks as part of his penance for his part in said priest's death.



The only reason indigo was included in the ROYGBIV rainbow spectrum was because Sir Isaac Newton considered 7 a sacred number and didn't want the rainbow to be "unsacred."

37. In 1771, Sarah Wilson, the maid of Queen Charlotte's Maid of Honor was sentenced to indentured labor in America for theft. Upon reaching there, she escaped and posed as the Queen's sister, living a life of luxury, defrauding many wealthy people with the promise of an audience with the queen.

38. Roman emperor Caracalla once slaughtered 20,000 Egyptians just because they made a play mocking him.

39. Vikings never wore horned helmets. The notion that the Vikings wore horned helmets actually comes from a costume designer for the 1876 performance of Wagner's classic Norse saga, Der Ring des Nibelungen.

40. Australia invented the secret ballot in 1856. Before that votes were cast in full view of the assembled crowds and would often end in riots. When the practice started to be adopted in the US in the 1880's it was known as the Australian Ballot.

41Blue macaw parrot

Blue macaw parrot

The blue macaw parrot that was the inspiration for the 2011 kid’s movie “Rio” was declared extinct in the wild in 2018.

42. A man named Jayme Gordon sued Dreamworks Animation for stealing ideas from his drawings to make “Kung Fu Panda”. Investigators found that he had traced his drawings from a “Lion King” coloring book. Gordon was charged with perjury and wire fraud. He was sentenced to two years in prison.

43. In 1984, a Russian ice-breaking ship named Moskva was called to save over 2,000 trapped Beluga whales. At first they refused to follow the ship to open water. However, when the crew began playing classical music through the ship’s loudspeakers, the whales finally followed Moskva to the unfrozen sea.

44. During the filming of the 1978 film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", actress Veronica Cartwright was not told the film would end with Donald Sutherland delivering his infamous pod shriek rather than meeting him for an actual conversation. She was genuinely terrified when Sutherland shrieked at her.

45. When Agatha Christie married Max Mallowan, he was working with archaeologist Leonard Woolley, but Woolley’s wife didn't let Christie stay with Mallowan at a digging camp. Christie soon wrote "Murder in Mesopotamia", with the victim being an archaeologist's wife - and dedicated it to the Woolleys.

46Grace O'Malley

Grace O'Malley

Folklore says that Grace O'Malley, the pirate queen of Ireland once rallied her crew and successfully defended her ship from a pirate ambush an hour after giving birth at sea.

47. Blackbeard would go into battle with anywhere from six to ten pistols on his person and multiple blades. His fighting style with a cutlass was meant to be intimidating as well as effective.

48. Contrary to popular belief, Squidward from “SpongeBob SquarePants” is an octopus, not a squid. He only has six legs, because, six were easier to draw than eight. Stephen Hillenberg has also gone on to say Squidward sounded funnier than Octoboy. Even so, in some foreign dubs, Squidward has been renamed Octo.

49. Mr. Krab's birth date is November 30, 1942, as revealed on the characters driver's license, in dream sequences, in season one, episode fifteen, "Sleepy Time/Suds."

50. Squidward makes various references to 11 minutes. Every episode of SpongeBob SquarePants lasts about 11 minutes 30 seconds.

Part 1