Exploring the Horrors Within: 35 Disturbing Facts about Human Diseases – Part 2

26Temporary Deafness

Temporary Deafness

You can become temporarily deaf from a common cold due to your Eustachian tube being blocked by mucus.

27. The sudden (seemingly overnight) onset of white hair due to stress is known as "Marie Antoinette Syndrome", named after the ill-fated queen whose hair turned white the night before her walk to the guillotine.

28. Endometriosis is an excruciatingly painful condition in which uterine tissue is shed and grows on the intestines, chest, bladder, and elsewhere. That tissue goes through the same process during menstruation, which means the tissue sheds, bleeds, and causes inflammation anywhere it has attached.

29. About 6-10% of premenopausal women have high testosterone in a disease known as polycystic ovary syndrome. This leads to reduced fertility, irregular periods, excess facial hair, male-like baldness, weight gain, among others.

30. Honeymoon Rhinitis is a condition that causes runny nose and nasal congestion during arousal and sex.

31Thermal injury

Thermal injury

A thermal injury (i.e. a burn from scalding water) is sometimes so stressful on the body that it can cause liver disease and/or failure.

32. Malaria was once used to treat syphilis. Dr. Wagner von Jauregg injected sufferers with malaria-infected blood, causing an extremely high fever that would ultimately kill the disease. Jauregg won the Nobel Prize for the treatment and it remained in use until the development of penicillin.

33. During his 1960 campaign, John F. Kennedy's opponents said he had Addison's disease. His doctors released a cleverly worded statement saying that he did not have Addison's disease caused by tuberculosis, and the matter was dropped. He had Addison’s disease caused by a rare autoimmune disease.

34. An unexplainable sense of impending doom is regarded as a symptom of many life-threatening medical crises such as anaphylaxis and heart attack and can present before any physical symptoms are detectable.

35. It is possible to be allergic to exercise. The condition is medically known as ‘Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis’ and is relatively rare. Ceasing exercise immediately improves the symptoms some of which can be life-threatening.