39 Quirky Random Facts You’ll Want To Tell Your Friends – Part 184




Sebastião Ribeiro Salgado and his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado in 20 years planted 2.7 million trees to afforest part of The Atlantic Forest. This resulted in 1,500 acres of rainforest being recovered with 293 of plants, 15 reptiles, 172 birds, 15 amphibians and 33 mammal species having returned.

27. While Simon Pegg was in rehab for alcoholism, the tabloids would ring up pretending to be his mother, to get a story off the clinic.

28. Charondas, a Greek lawgiver from Sicily issued a law that anyone who brought weapons into the Assembly must be put to death. One day, he arrived at the Assembly after hunting in the countryside with a knife still attached to his belt. In order to uphold his own law, he committed suicide.

29. As a white belt, Paul Walker told his Brazilian jiu-jitsu coach that he would get his black belt “even if he needed to get it in his coffin.” Shortly after Walker's death, that same coach awarded Walker his black belt and told his father he could put it in his coffin.

30. There's a neurological disorder called "Alice in Wonderland" syndrome. This affects patients' perception in a way that they may suddenly feel that they have become giants or the room around them has shrunk. It most commonly affects children.

31Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel

Marvel has to publish a Captain Marvel comic at least once every two years to not lose their trademark on the name, leading to several different characters using the name as an alias.

32. Red is not the only color of blood in the animal kingdom. Several species of octopus have blue blood, ocellated icefish have clear blood, and the green-blooded skink has, well, green blood.

33. The level of difficulty of a mental task, from working on a complex calculus equation to completing a simple game of Sudoku, barely alters the amount of energy the brain consumes while completing the task.

34. The German city of Trier, the birthplace of Karl Marx, issued 0-Euro notes to celebrate his 200th birth anniversary. They cost 3 Euros.

35. Though the phrase "Beam me up, Scotty" is the most well-known quote from Star Trek, it does not appear in any movie or tv episode.

36Mark DeFriest

Mark DeFriest

An autistic savant named Mark DeFriest was sentenced to 4 years in prison for ‘stealing’ his father’s tools. Able to memorize and reproduce keys by just looking at them, he's been imprisoned 36 years for multiple escapes.

37. Tokyo has its own superhero. He’s Mangetsu-Man, a self-made hero who’s taken up the responsibility of keeping the city clean. He wears a “full moon” head, purple bodysuit, oversized UGG boots with matching gloves and uses a voice dictation app to hide his voice.

38. Michael Caine only agreed to be in 'The Muppet Christmas Carol' because his 7-year-old daughter was too young to see his other films, and he wanted her to watch him in something.

39. During the filming of his show "Who is America?" Sacha Baron Cohen attempted to film at a Californian gun store, making up a fake story for his visit. However, as soon as he arrived, the owner yelled "You're Borat!", prompting Cohen to immediately walk back out.