27 Scary Facts About Scientology, its Beliefs and its Members


21Charles Manson

Charles Manson

Charles Manson studied Scientology to learn how to manipulate people.

22Child labor camp

Child labor camp

Scientology ran a forced child labor camp in Austrailia.



The Church of Scientology has a compound in California called Gold Base that is guarded by snipers and armed gate guards. It houses a prison that practices torture and a paramilitary training school.



There is a Scientology drug rehab program called "Narconon". It uses saunas, vitamins, minerals, and oils to tackle the effects of drug addiction but critics say it's "medically unsafe" "quackery" and "medical fraud".

25James Randi

James Randi

Skeptic James Randi has annual Pigasus Awards that seek to expose parapsychological, paranormal or psychic frauds. Noted recipients include Scientology, Jenny McCarthy, Dr. Oz, The Learning Channel and John Edward.

26Charles Manson

Charles Manson

Charles Manson took 150 hours of Scientology courses and rejected it as "too crazy".



In 1970, the English Court of Appeal found that Scientology does not engage in religious worship.