It’s Time For Some Cool And Interesting Random (39) Facts – Part 115



Crows use cars to crack open nuts. To avoid being run over, they drop their nuts at pedestrian crossing.

27. U2 rock band has performed only one show without the full band; Adam Clayton got so drunk the night before a show in Sydney that he couldn't go on stage and was replaced by one of the band's technicians. Clayton felt so bad he missed the show that he quit drinking. U2 rock band has performed only one show without the full band. Adam Clayton got so drunk the night before a show in Sydney that he couldn't go on stage and was replaced by one of the band's technicians. Clayton felt so bad he missed the show that he quit drinking.

28. Veterinary doctors have a high suicide rate and experience psychological distress at a rate nearly double that of the general public.

29. The Immortal Game is a casual match that is played between chess grand masters in the interim of the first international chess tournament. Despite not being an official match, it is considered one of the most famous matches of all time.

30. A 95-year-old war veteran named Huang Yung-Fu saved his abandoned village in Taiwan from demolition by covering the entire settlement with colorful painted-characters. “Rainbow Village” is now a protected cultural site and tourist destination.



There in an organism named Endolith which lives inside rock, coral, animal shells, in the pores between mineral grains of a rock or on the ocean floor. They reproduce every 10,000 years and are perhaps millions of years old.

32. Frank Sinatra did not serve in the military during World War 2. He was classified as F4 (registrant not acceptable for military service) because the US Army considered him “not acceptable material from a psychiatric viewpoint.”

33. A very nearsighted person can see more or less normally underwater because the faulty refractive index of the eye is negated by the water’s refractive index.

34. Oscar nominee “Shape of Water” actor, Richard Jenkins got his start by being mistaken for the actor who auditioned before him. He overheard the guy before him, playing guitar, and how much they loved him. He realized what happened when the director asked him to play guitar, which he couldn’t do.

35. Until the 1960s, computing power was measured in “Kilo-girls,” as the earliest computers where humans and more often than not, female.

36F-117 Nighthawks

F-117 Nighthawks

F-117 Nighthawks are stored in Type 1000 storage which requires them to be flown every 4 years and maintained until recalled for active service again.

37. When Niels Bohr escaped from Denmark, he was smuggled out in the bomb bay of a Mosquito bomber. Because he didn't wear his helmet, he didn't hear the pilot instructing him to put on his mask, causing him to pass out from oxygen starvation for most of the flight.

38. Mike Myers' 2008 film "The Love Guru" was so badly received by critics that he hasn't had an on-camera starring role in a film since. One critic, in his review, predicted it would be "career-killing" for Myers and "one of the worst films of at least the past several years."

39. Blood passes through the kidneys at a rate of 1.1 liters per minute. The human body has about 5 liters of blood. This means your entire blood gets filtered by your kidneys every 5 minutes.