Believe it or Not! 45 True Random Facts | Random List #83


1Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves

In 2014, a stalker trespassed on Keanu Reeves' home. Keanu calmly talked to the stalker and called the police, who arrived and arrested her. Three days later, a second stalker made her way into his home, took a shower in his bathroom and swam naked in his pool.

2. Twice a year in Monument Valley, mitten-shaped rock formations line up with the sun as it sets, causing one to "high five" the other with its shadow.

3. Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson and his partner Fran Walsh spent millions of dollars over 7 years quietly bankrolling efforts to free the West Memphis 3, three Arkansas men who supporters say were wrongly convicted of the murders of three children.

4. During negotiations for a truce between North and South Korea, both parties would try to bring a bigger national flag than the other to each meeting. This continued until a special meeting was called to address the size of the flags, as they could no longer fit in the room.

5. Amish men shave their mustaches as a protest against violence. The Amish were originally founded in Europe. At the time, mustaches were prevalent in the German military. The Amish began shaving their mustaches as a physical representation of their non-violent nature. This tradition continues to today.



The Russian language has a proverb similar to "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" that literally translates to "poor people are crafty".

7. There was a Roman priesthood named Salii whose job was to perform a specific dance and chant around sacred shields. Since this ritual was unchanged for centuries, later Romans had no idea what the ritual actually meant while still continuing the tradition.

8. Cows have different 'moo' accents depending on what region in the world they live in.

9. Due to a long-standing disagreement within the Versace family, Gianni Versace (Italian fashion designer) willed 50% ownership of his fashion company to his favorite niece Allegra. She was 11 years old upon his death. On her 18th birthday, Allegra instantly became worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

10. Ireland’s population still hasn’t recovered from the potato famine 160 years ago. It is still 2 million lower than it was before the famine.

11Airplane food

Airplane food

Airplane food is heavily seasoned but your sense of taste is dulled when you're on an airplane.

12. Serial killer Ted Bundy put a woman on the stand and then asked her to marry him; she said yes. There was a loophole in Florida law where a marriage proposal accepted under oath was legally binding.

13. Silicone oil leaches out of remote control buttons and gradually makes the controller less responsive.

14. In 1857, Mormon militia members ambushed a wagon train in Utah which was heading to California. They killed 120 people after offering safety from the siege, leaving only a few young children alive.

15. A man named Robert McGee survived scalping at the age of 14. He lived the rest of his life with most of his skull exposed.

16Star Wars

Star Wars

The iconic font for "Star Wars" was derived from Helvetica Black because designer Suzy Rice thought that it was the most Fascist typeface she could think of.

17. Venona Project revealed that there was not a single agency of the American Government that Soviet espionage had not thoroughly infiltrated, and stole secrets concerned with national security

18. Emperor Hirohito (Showa), the Emperor of World War 2 Japan, was the only “axis power” leader to not have died during the war. He only just died in 1989.

19. Breathing in Delhi air is equivalent to smoking 44 cigarettes a day.

20. The smell of infants triggers a physiological response in mothers similar to that experienced by hungry people presented with a delicious meal. This is the reason behind the urge to nibble newborn babies.

21Sakae Menda

Sakae Menda

Sakae Menda is the first Japanese man ever released from death row. After three weeks of starvation, thirst, and beatings during interrogation in order to force out a confession, he spent 34 years in jail for a crime he did not commit.

22. Israel merged the front half of a damaged rare 2 seat F-15 with the back half of an obsolete retired single seat F15. When they asked Boeing for advice Boeing never responded thinking the Israeli Air Force was joking.

23. The infamous car decal of Calvin peeing on the Ford logo wasn’t sanctioned by the “Calvin and Hobbes” syndicate and when asked about it, Bill Watterson said, “he clearly miscalculated how popular it would be to show Calvin urinating on a Ford logo.”

24. The 1971 film "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" was funded by Quaker Oats to coincide with the launch of their new line of Wonka candy. It wasn't until years later that they sold the candy line to Nestle and the movie rights to Warner Bros.

25. DEFCON 5 is actually the lowest level of nuclear alert, and DEFCON 1 means imminent nuclear war.