23 Weirdest Real Life Burglar Stories That Are 100% True


1William Ellis Green

William Ellis Green

In 2005, 82-year-old Australian cartoonist named William Ellis Green confronted a burglar running through his house in Victoria. He called the police and took pen to paper to produce a caricature of the burglar. The police immediately recognized the burglar from the drawing and he was soon apprehended.

2Dolph Lundgren

Dolph Lundgren

In 2009, actor Dolph Lundgren's house was broken into by three masked burglars, who tied up his wife. When the burglars saw the photo of Lundgren, they fled realizing whose house they were in.



In 1971, burglars were able to steal records from the FBI simply by leaving a note on the front door of the Delaware office that said "Please don't lock this door tonight."

4Jay Leone

Jay Leone

A 90-year-old man named Jay Leone in Greenbrae, California was shot in the head by a burglar. Not only did he survive, but said: "F*ck you, you son of a b*tch. Now it's my turn" and then shot the burglar three times in the abdomen.



In 2006, thieves planning to steal one of the koalas in Rockhampton Zoo of Queensland, Australia changed their mind after it proved too vicious because “apparently [the koala] scratched the sh*t out of them” and stole a crocodile instead which was easier.

6Screwdriver fight

Screwdriver fight

In 2008, 95-year-old wheelchair-bound women in Oklahoma used a screwdriver to fight off a burglar and won. He passed out from blood loss.

7Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee's son, arrived home while a burglar was robbing his house. He chased him around the house until the burglar grabbed a kitchen knife. Brandon was able to disarm the criminal and subdued him until police arrived.

8Cookie theft

Cookie theft

In 2013, unknown perpetrators stole the gilded cookie hanging in front of the Bahlsen Company in Hannover, Germany. The thieves demanded the company to send 52,000 cookies to 52 charities, but only "the ones with milk chocolate". Bahlsen agreed to the terms and the cookie was retrieved.

9Bank robber

Bank robber

In 2008, a bank robber successfully used a Craigslist help-wanted ad for construction workers, specifying their uniform, to create unwitting decoys around a bank in Washington that he robbed in matching the uniform. His “getaway vehicle” was an inner tube.

10McArthur Wheeler

McArthur Wheeler

In 1995, a middle-aged man named McArthur Wheeler robbed two Pittsburgh banks with lemon juice on his face. Since lemon juice makes for invisible ink, he thought it would render his face invisible on camera.