43 Cool Random Facts You Won’t Believe Are True – Part 278

1Mister Rogers

Mister Rogers

A mother whose daughter was having brain surgery called the Mister Rogers Neighborhood studio to ask for a signed photo. After hearing about this, Mr. Rogers flew to the hospital to see her. His only request was that there was no press.

2. In 1888, Richard Mansfield played Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in a stage production at a time when Jack the Ripper was murdering women. A theatre-goer wrote to the police accusing him of the murders because his stage transformation from a gentleman to the mad killer was so convincing.

3. Wild orangutans use medicinal plants to sooth joint and muscle inflammation. The apes chew leaves of the Dracaena cantleyi plant to create a white lather, which they then rub onto their bodies. Local indigenous people also use the plant for the same purpose.

4. In 2006, VH1 ran a fundraiser for Hurricane Katerina where viewers who made donations were able to choose which music videos the station would play. One viewer donated $35,000 and requested continuous play of "99 Luftballons" and "99 Red Balloons" for an hour. 

5. Ken Allen was a Borneo orangutan in the San Diego Zoo who escaped his enclosure three times. He never acted aggressively towards anyone during his escapes, and generally wandered around the zoo looking at other animals.

6Itchy and Scratchy Land

Itchy and Scratchy Land

The Simpsons episode "Itchy and Scratchy Land," was written in response to new, stringent censorship laws that were being put in place at the time. Fox had tried to prevent the inclusion of Itchy and Scratchy cartoons in the show, prompting the writers to make the episode as violent as possible.

7. Isaac Hayes (voice of Chef) didn’t quit South Park willingly. In 2006, he had a stroke and lost the ability to speak and someone involved in Scientology quit on his behalf.

8. The red stuff dropped from airplanes to put out forest fires is named Phos-Chek and it also acts as a fertilizer.

9. 44% of adults have held on to their childhood teddies and dolls, and as many as 34% of adults still sleep with a soft toy every night.

10. Samoset, the first Native American who met the Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony walked into their encampment and greeted them in English. He had begun to learn English from fishermen frequenting the waters of Maine. Supposedly, he greeted them then asked if they had beer.

11USS Nevada

USS Nevada

The USS Arizona, sunk during the Pearl Harbor attack, had the guns of her number 2 turret salvaged. They were straightened, relined, and installed on the USS Nevada during a refit of that ship, and were later fired at the Japanese at Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

12. Air conditioning wasn't invented for human comfort whatsoever, rather it was a solution to decrease humidity at a printing company having issues with too much moisture impacting the paper and ink. 

13. On a visit to Constantinople, American inventor Samuel Colt gave a custom gold inlaid revolver to the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and informed him that the Russians were buying his pistols. The Turkish ordered 5,000 pistols. Colt neglected to tell the Sultan that he had used the same tactic with the Russians.

14. llamas that spend too much time around humans are prone to Berserk llama syndrome. Such llamas believe that humans are fellow llamas, and sneak up behind them to attack.

15. In the early 1900s, school bathrooms were invented to help teach children to bathe regularly and to promote the idea of regular bathing to their parents. During this time period, people usually only bathed once a week.

16Peter the Great

Peter the Great

During the reign of Tsar Peter the Great, it was customary for foreign dignitaries to drink from the “Cup of the White Eagle”, a chalice containing 1.5 liters of vodka. Therefore many nations’ ambassadors traveled in pairs, with one official drinking the vodka, and the other discussing state issues.

17. A 1949 BBC memo forbade employees to use desk lamps unless the main room light was on. The head of the Variety department believed that a man working at a desk in a confined space with only the light from a low-wattage lamp would nurture furtive ideas and produce degenerate programme material.

18. Clink Restaurants are a chain of restaurants in UK where your meals are cooked and served by prisoners who are training towards gaining their accredited qualifications. Their aim is to increase future prospects of the prisoners who want to turn their lives around and reduce reoffending.

19. In 2016, the writer of Dragonball Evolution formally apologized to fans of the franchise. He said that he approached the project with no passion and only wanted the money. He accepted full responsibility for the quality of the film and viewed it as a learning experience.

20. Steve Bartman, the fan who in 2003 infamously but inadvertently interfered with a foul ball contributing to the Chicago Cubs’ loss in playoffs that year, received a World Series ring when the Cubs won in 2016.

21Disposable ship

Disposable ship

As British taxes only applied to lumber on a ship, and not the lumber that made up the ship, Canadian loggers began building large, barely seaworthy disposable ships that would be broken up for timber once they reached British shores.

22. While the Americans sent space probes to Mars, the Soviets sent many probes to Venus, of which 8 of them successfully landed on the Venusian surface and took the first measurements and pictures of the planet’s surface, showing Venus to be a hot, hellish wasteland.

23. Chevy Chase escaped the military draft by "falsely claiming, among other things, that he had homosexual tendencies."

24. In 2012, a bullied girl named Whitney Kropp was nominated for homecoming queen by her bullies as a prank. It backfired when the whole town in Michigan rallied around her and supported her nomination. She ended up winning.

25. Spock was originally going to have red skin, but the idea was scrapped because the makeup looked like blackface on a monochrome television.